You Are Welcome Here
We are a group of people striving to follow Jesus in life-giving ways of peace and justice. We gather together to praise God and to bring hope and encouragement to one another as well as to our neighbors close and around the globe. As an Anabaptist faith community we welcome all people to experience the love of Jesus as we join with one another to worship God and share our stories.
Welcome to Evergreen Heights Mennonite Church! We hope that you can find the information you are looking for on our website. We are currently meeting in person as well as on Zoom for those who are living at a distance or unable to leave home for whatever reason. For a Zoom link to participate in real time, please leave us an email below under “Connect With Us” with your request. Recordings of our services can be found under “Recording Archives” or by clicking the button below.
Find Us At:
701 N. Indiana Ave.
Caldwell, Idaho 83607
(208) 453-8200
Sunday Services
1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month
9:30 Fellowship and coffee
9:45 Sunday school for all ages
10:45 Worship Service
4th Sundays of each month
5 - 7 PM Gathering Around the Table Service
Fellowship, teachings, activities
Followed by a shared meal