Church Programs
Mennonite Women
The mission of Mennonite Women of Evergreen Heights Mennonite Church is to empower women as we nurture our life in Christ through studying the Bible, using our gifts, hearing each other and engaging in mission and service. And as Mennonite Women, we are a part of Mennonite Women USA.
Mennonite Women is our women’s activity and support group. The group meets once a month for craft projects, Bible study, and social events. We also enjoy making graduation comforters for all of our high school seniors, giving to quarterly offering projects for local as well as global need, and providing items for the Idaho Mennonite World Relief Festival.
Children & Youth
Young people of all ages are a vibrant part of a healthy church. EHMC offers Sunday classes for all ages with singing, Bible stories and exploring how God is working in the world and in each life. We encourage young people to participate in worship and any extra activities that the church is involved in, including volunteer activities and service projects. The high school youth also participate in the national MCUSA youth convention every two years.