Gathering Around the Table
Join us as we participate in learning activities and a meal!

Sunday Brunch
Details to be announced. Watch for more information in the church bulletin. NO REGULAR MORNING SERVICE.

Sunday Evening Gathering Around the Table
Sunday Evening Gathering Around the Table Hot Dog Roast & Games

Idaho Mennonite World Relief Festival
Join us April 15 at College Church of the Nazarene as we raise money for Mennonite Central Committee, the outreach arm of the Mennonite Church that lends aid where needed around the world. (See their website at mcc.org for more information) This annual event is in person again this year after 2 years of online only due to COVID. We are so excited to be together again! Go to the mrsidaho.org website for event schedule, auction items, etc. Hope to see you there!!!!

Resurrection Sunday
Please join us for a time of celebration in the resurrection of Jesus! Today our focus will be “Fully alive in Christ”! We look forward to spending this time in worship and praise with you!

Palm Sunday
We will look at scripture that challenges us with being “Called to worship”! Join us at 10:45 a.m. as we gather as a community to listen to the Spirit. Our overall Bible study theme for this season is “Created in the Image of God, shaped by Jesus.”

Fifth Sunday of Lent
This Sunday is our monthly “Gathering Around the Table” evening service. No morning service will be held. Instead at 5:00 p.m. we will meet at the church for fellowship, food and learning around the table. Please feel welcome to join in this relaxed and casual time together.

Fourth Sunday of Lent
We will look at scripture that challenges us with being “Called to the light”! Join us at 10:45 a.m. as we gather as a community to listen to the Spirit. Our overall Bible study theme for this season is “Created in the Image of God, shaped by Jesus.”

Church Business Meeting
We will hold our quarterly church business meeting after worship service and a potluck lunch.

Third Sunday of Lent
We will look at scripture that challenges us with being “Shaped through thirst”! Join us at 10:45 a.m. as we gather as a community to listen to the Spirit. Our overall Bible study theme for this season is “Created in the Image of God, shaped by Jesus.”

Second Sunday of Lent
We will look at scripture that challenges us with being “Shaped by new birth”! Join us at 10:45 a.m. as we gather as a community to listen to the Spirit. Our overall Bible study theme for this season is “Created in the Image of God, shaped by Jesus.”

Comforters for Worldwide Care
Comforter tying Saturday for worldwide relief and care will be October 1, at 9:00 a.m. We will share in a potluck lunch at noon! All are welcome!

Soup Singing: An Online Shared Meal and Fundraiser
Soup Singing: An (Online) Shared Meal and Fundraiser for
the Salary Campaign!
In the spirit of the joyful work of repair and shalom...
Join Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition leaders for a spiritual practice, a shared meal, and a celebratory fundraising event from your home!
Saturday, September 17th
4-6 p.m. PST / 6-8 p.m. CST / 7-9 p.m. EST
Register for Soup Singing here
You and your family are invited to gather on Zoom from the kitchen for a connective fundraising event to support the Coalition's salary campaign for Sarah Augustine.
This event will include an hour of preparing soup together and learning simple movement-building songs from Coalition volunteer Alison Doe Hoyer. We'll share one of Sarah's favorite soup recipes with all who register! During the second hour, we'll hear from DDoD Coalition leaders Sarah Augustine and Katerina Gea about the Coalition's vision and invitations toward justice and right relations with Indigenous peoples. We hope you join us!
Salary Campaign Website: www.dofdmenno.org/salary-campaign/
Zoom link for Soup Singing: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtdOiuqz0qHNX1QWgg4F8Va8HIgiJUoFmn

Meal & Meeting
All are invited to a provided meal and then an opportunity to learn about the results of LEAP’s feasibility study of the church’s property. This is simply an informational meeting and no decisions will be made at this meeting.

Friday Night Camp Fire
Bring your lawn chairs and roasting sticks and enjoy an evening around the campfire! Drinks and s’mores fixings will be provided!
7:00 p.m. on the church grounds.

Community Garden Activity
Kindergarteners will be exploring the Community Garden on Canyon Hill this Friday at 9:00 a.m. if you would like to help out! The garden is located at 902 N. Michigan in Caldwell.

Dinner & Baseball Game with Everance
Friends of Everance are invited to this special event starting with a meal at the Brixx Craft House, and then we will go to Memorial Park – the home of the Boise Hawks.
This event recognizes your relationship with Everence – offering an opportunity to learn more about what is happening at Everence, win some prizes and enjoy good food and fellowship.
This event will be held on Friday, July 15 starting at 5 p.m.
Join us at 5:00 p.m. for a pre-game meal with Everence representatives, company updates, and good food. Following dinner, enjoy the game with friends (and perhaps more prizes!) as the Hawks take on the Idaho Falls Chukars.

EHMC 20th Anniversary Celebration!
It will be a day of celebration beginning with worship at 10:45 a.m. We will have a meal following the service as well as fellowship, games on the yard, and a reception of cake and ice cream beginning at 2:00 p.m. You are welcome to come for all or part of the day! Please help us celebrate!!

Special Delegate Assembly
MC USA will be holding a special delegate assembly in Kansas City, MO. Please be praying for the delegates and leadership of our church body.

Comforter Tying Day!
Join us on Saturday, May 21, as our Mennonite Women’s group hosts a day of tying comforters for MCC relief work around the world! We will plan to have a potluck lunch at Noon.

Camp Fire!
Join us on the church grounds for a camp fire and s’mores! S’mores fixings will be provided. Bring your own roasting sticks and lawn chairs for this time of fellowship!
Idaho World Relief Festival 2022
Sunday, April 3 - Saturday, April 9, 2022 - Idaho Mennonite World Relief Festival On-line event. Please visit www.idahomrs.org or watch for future information concerning ways to access and register on the auction site. The on-line auction will begin at 12:00 p.m. MST on Sunday, Apr. 3 and close Saturday, Apr. 9 at 5:00 p.m. Be sure to bid!!
CATCH the Flavor
Wednesday, March 30 - CATCH the Flavor
Storytelling and Dining Experience
The events will feature a gourmet, hand-selected 3-course meal, inspirational storytelling about the clients we serve, and supporters of CATCH’s mission coming together to support every family, every person, a home. For more information and to register visit https://catchidaho.org/catch-the-flavor.php here you will also be able to look at the menu with food being provided by Open Table Boise
MDS Idaho Annual Mtg.
The annual meeting of the Idaho Unit of Mennonite Disaster Service is scheduled for March 26 at 9:00am. ZOOM link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88258713112?pwd=ZjN2U1lwbTBSU0FBaGlXcllkZmxYZz09
3rd Qtr. Business Mtg.
We will hold our 3rd annual business meeting after church and a potluck lunch. If you need to submit a report, please do so via email to church members before Sunday.
MW Comforter Tying & Potluck
Join us for tying a comforter for MCC relief efforts and a potluck lunch.
Prayer Gathering for Ukraine
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.